Best New Podcast in Colorado!

The Colorado Podcast Awards, otherwise known as the “Hoppys,” announced the 2020 finalists. And… Upside Down Tulips was nominated for Best New Podcast!*

In the last two years, the House of Pod has counted over 350 podcasts produced out of Colorado.  After tallying 2,400 submissions across five categories, the top five nominees of each category were selected. All of us at Upside Down Tulips are honored and humbled to be included in this wonderful community of podcasters.

We feel like Sally Field.

The Second Annual Colorado Podcast Awards Ceremony and Holiday Party will be on Friday, December 18. This year, the event will be held virtually. The ceremony will start at 6:00 pm. Producers, Podcast Fans and Hosts are all welcomed to attend.**  Join all of us at We are going to wear our best garden clogs and clean out our nails. In addition, we may take off our sweat pants, take a shower and don some real clothes.

*UPDATE: We won Best New Podcast! And were the only peope in the room over 40… Who cares? It was a great night.

**Sally Field was not in attendance.